Confidential Resources
The University recognizes that some individuals may wish to keep their concerns confidential. Confidential communications are those communications which legally cannot be disclosed to another person, without the reporter’s consent, except under very limited circumstances such as allegations involving the physical or sexual abuse of a child (under the age of 18) or vulnerable adult or an imminent threat to the life of any person. Individuals who desire the details of sexual misconduct to be kept confidential should speak with a medical professional, professional counselor, minister or other pastoral counselor, or trained victims’ advocates. These resources include:
- On Campus:
- Counseling Services 712.749.2123, Student Success Office – Siebens Forum
- Health Services* 712.749.1238, Dixon-Eilers Hall
- Chaplain* 712.749.2111, Center for Diversity & Inclusion - Siebens Forum
* The Director of Health Services & Wellness and the Chaplain serve in various roles on campus. If you are seeking assistance from the Director of Health Services & Wellness or the Chaplain in their roles as confidential resources, you should contact them through the office contact information listed above and should make clear prior to disclosing any information that you are seeking their assistance as a confidential resource.
- Off Campus:
- CAASA (Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault) Storm Lake: 712.732.8120, 24-hour crisis line: 877.362.4612
- Iowa Victim Service Call Center: text 'IOWAHELP' to 20121, 24-hour crisis line: 800.770.1650