Library Instruction
What are your students' current research skills?
- Do your students know how to research a topic?
- Can they find reliable, relevant, authoritative, and timely sources?
- Are your students aware of what databases are most appropriate for their topic?
- Do your students think surfing the Web is researching?
- Do they know how to request an interlibrary loan?
- Do they give credit and cite sources correctly?
Arrange for an instructional session tailored to meet your class needs and assignments! Possible points to be covered include:
Research strategies
- Insights on searching the library catalog
- Selecting and searching the most appropriate databases
- Advanced search techniques (boolean logic, truncation, phrase searching)
- Recognizing authoritative sources of information
- Locating and evaluating internet resources
- Documenting and citing sources consulted
- Tips for avoiding plagiarism
We can meet with your class on campus either in the library or in your usual classroom. We are also available to meet with classes in online locations, "on the road," or via Zoom. Library staff is also available to speak with your students individually by phone or email or to participate in a discussion forum with your students. Let's talk about how we can best meet the needs of your students.
Scheduling library instruction - Guidelines
- Contact Jodie Morin or Holly Schettler to arrange for a class visit.
- Please allow at least a week's notice to allow adequate scheduling and preparation time.
- Plan to be in attendance at the Instructional session with your students.
- Instruction is most beneficial when students have an assignment to complete.