Emergency Management Plan


The information and guidelines contained in this plan are designed to guide the university through an emergency situation when routine measures are not sufficient until normal operations can resume. Not every conceivable situation is addressed in this plan, but the basic guidelines are provided to cope with most campus or university-related emergencies. When a situation occurs that fits any description of events described in this document, or for any special need that cannot be handled through routine measures, the President or his designee may declare a state of emergency and activate this plan.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines an emergency as "an unplanned event that can cause death or serious injuries to employees, customers, or the general public or that can shut down your business, disrupt operations, cause physical or environmental damage, or threaten the facility's financial standing or public image." Obviously, numerous events may be considered "emergencies" and appropriate responses to such events may require more than just a routine attention. Then again, some serious situations may be resolved through normal operations and special attention may not be needed. This plan is applicable to the following emergencies:

  • Bomb Threat or Bombing
  • Civil Disturbance or Demonstration
  • Earthquake
  • Explosion
  • Fatality or Serious injury
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) incidents
  • Psychological Situations
  • Severe Weather
  • Utility Failure
  • Violent Criminal Acts and Violence in the Workplace
  • Off-campus Casualty

All requests for procedural changes, suggestions, or recommendations will be submitted in writing to the Director of Campus Security for technical review. Any recommended changes will be submitted in writing to the President's Council for evaluation and adoption.

This plan is designed to offer suggestion and guidelines in the management of an emergency or unusual occurrence. Buena Vista University accepts no liability for the use or misuse of the concepts contained therein.

Declaration of Emergency

Supervisors, directors and other managers for the university are faced with challenges on a daily basis. In most instances, routine resolutions are available to respond to a situation. In fact, there may be situations addressed in this plan that can be easily handled using routine resources without having to activate the plan and involve the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

However, there may be times when routine actions are not sufficient, resources are not available, or public attention requires a concerted response by the college and its senior leaders. Supervisors and directors will contact their respective vice president when an event occurs that is listed in this document, when an event occurs that the supervisor and/or director does not have the resources to handle, or when media attention necessitates an official college response. That vice president will confer with the President or his designee concerning a decision to activate the plan and the Emergency Operations Team (EOT).

Emergency Operations

Emergency Operations Team (EOT) Primary Team Members:

Vice President for Finance and Administration
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Marketing
Vice President for Student Success

Assistant Dean of Student Success and Residence Life
Chief Information Officer

Director of University Marketing and Communications
Director of Campus Security

Associate Athletic Director


Auxiliary Team Members:

Director of Athletics

Director of Health Services

Director of Facilities Management
Director of Finance Administration/Controller

Director of Human Resources
Information Technology Services
Others as determined by Primary Team



EOTEmergency Operations Team
EOCEmergency Operations Center
EMCEmergency Management Coordinator
MSAMultipurpose Staging Area
ERPEmergency Response Plan
PIOPublic Information Officer
EMDEmergency Management Department
DATDamage Assessment Team