Tuition & Fees

Cost of Attendance

An affordable private college education is possible. Together, we can build a future worthy of your dreams.

Professor and students in class

Ranked a Best Value School among regional universities in the Midwest by U.S. News and World Report, BVU is committed to keeping college tuition affordable.

Tuition and Fees for:

College is a life-changing investment, and Buena Vista University is committed to keeping college tuition affordable. That’s why 100 percent of our students who apply for financial aid receive it.

Storm Lake Campus


  • Tuition & Fees: Living on Campus
  • Tuition & Fees: Living With a Parent
  • Tuition & Fees: Commuting, Not Living With a Parent

Storm Lake Campus


  • Tuition & Fees: Living on Campus
  • Tuition & Fees: Living With a Parent
  • Tuition & Fees: Commuting, Not Living With a Parent

Average Aid for New Undergraduate Students on Our Storm Lake Campus

money and hand

All Financial Aid


icon of an award

Scholarships and Grants only


BVU Online


Tuition rate: $475 per credit hour

In addition to the tuition charge, we also include an allowance for living expenses (including travel) and books in a student's expected cost of attendance. All undergraduate students will be assessed a one-time $90 graduation fee for their final semester.  

  • Full-Time Student: Living with a Parent
  • Full-Time Student: Not Living with a Parent

Graduate Programs Financial Aid

Alongside personal financial planning, our financial assistance program is designed to make it possible for all students to attend BVU.

Graduate Programs


  • Tuition Cost Breakdown (per credit hour)
  • Graduate Fees 2024-2025

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