Fire and Safety Regulations

     This rule prohibits, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Failure to comply with evacuation procedures.
  2. Tampering with fire protection apparatus.
  3. Possession, use, or threatened use of fireworks, bombs, or explosive devices of any character.
  4. Use of open flame devices (e.g. smoking, candles, incense burners) or combustible materials including chemicals, which endanger the safety or well-being of the University community.
  5. Unauthorized use of, tampering with, or misuse of electrical equipment, fire exit doors, or giving false alarms or false reports of fire or emergency.

If Fire Safety Devices are tampered with, you may be fined up to $300.00 at Buena Vista University and subject to a simple misdemeanor charge, associated fine(s), and possible jail time for criminal charges per violation.