BVU Theatre to Perform "Circle Mirror Transformation"

Buena Vista University Theatre will perform "Circle Mirror Transformation" in February. In the play, an unlikely assortment of strangers sign up for a creative drama class and the seemingly silly acting games end up generating real-life drama.

Buena Vista University Theatre will perform Circle Mirror Transformation Feb. 6-9, 2013.

The play, by Annie Baker, will be presented Feb. 6-9 starting at 8 p.m. in Anderson Auditorium in the Siebens Forum on the Buena Vista University campus. A performance will also be presented at the Spencer Community Theatre (SCT) with part of the proceeds going to a fund that supports BVU theatre student internships and travel for special development opportunities. The performance at SCT will be on Feb. 10, with the times for the performance and a related workshop pending.

The play will be directed by Cara Gerlock, the former artistic director at SCT and an award-winning theatre professional.

Winner of the 2010 Obie Award for Best New American Play, the play is set in a small town where an unlikely assortment of strangers sign up for a creative drama class and the seemingly silly acting games end up generating real-life drama.

Dr. Bethany Larson, associate professor of theatre, will be a guest artist playing the role of "Marty," who teaches the drama class, and Justin Isbell, a BVU media support specialist, will play her husband, "James."

BVU students in the ensemble are:

  • Hannah Anderson, a junior theatre management major from Boone who plays the role of "Teresa"
  • Sahara Scott, a senior theatre major from St. Louis, Mo., who plays "Lauren"
  • Jarrod Roth, a senior English education major from Ethan, S.D., who plays "Schultz"

The play is also serving as the “lab” for a January interim course at BVU entitled "Viewpoints as a Means to Making Meaningful Theatre" which focuses on a collaborative approach to acting and directing for modern theatre. While the play features an ensemble of five actors, everyone in the interim class will have some responsibility in the production.

Ticket reservations for the play can be made online at or by calling the University Theatre Hotline at 712.749.2211. Tickets will be available at the Information Desk in the Siebens Forum Jan. 28-Feb. 8 from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. Monday through Friday. The play is considered suitable for mature audiences.
