Resources and Updates

COVID-19 Information

The health of the Buena Vista University community is our top priority. We are committed to communicating safety measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as well as our campus incident level.

Ariel Campus Sunset

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Incident Level Operational Indicators

Level 1 - Normal
Cases are rare and transmission controlled

Buena Vista University is currently at this level.
In Level 1, the safety team continuously monitors daily status of students and employees. Safety protocols are actively managed and any quarantined or isolated individuals are well controlled. The infection rates are non-existent or at a very low level that is well contained by the health and safety team in conjunction with local medical facilities as needed. 
Level 2: Moderate Alert
Moderate number of cases with most from a known source
In Level 2, the safety team is monitoring and managing a low level of symptomatic and confirmed positive cases that are from a known source. The infection levels are controlled and well managed within our quarantine and isolation protocols. Cases are contained and levels are not increasing, with individuals moving into recovery. Any high risk students or employees are protected by a shift to remote classes or work until they are cleared to return to campus. Local medical facilities are supporting treatment. 
Level 3: High Alert
Multiple cases, including community spread with some undetected cases
In Level 3, the safety team is monitoring and managing a higher rate of infection that is from known or unknown sources, with suspected undetected cases. There also can be cases of community spread that might impact the BVU population. There is a continuous rise in cases that is not fully controlled. At this level, the university will shift fully to remote instruction and work for all except essential employees. Local medical facilities are supporting treatment. Strong consideration given to closing the residence halls.
Level 4: Crisis Alert
Widespread uncontrolled outbreak with many undetected cases
In Level 4, the safety team is monitoring and managing a rate of infection that is from known and unknown sources. There are detected and undetected cases. Cases of community spread that are also impacting the BVU population. There is a continuous rise in cases that is uncontrolled. Local medical facilities are unable to fully support more cases. At this level, the university will be shifted fully to remote instruction and work for all except essential employees. Residence halls closed. Campus closed.

Campus Monitoring and Assessment

The President and two vice presidents regularly meet to assess the current campus situation. They are tracking more than 20 variables including isolation numbers, quarantine numbers, and conditions on campus, as well as relevant data in the city, county, and state. Eighteen employees in leadership positions across campus have access to these data and are briefed daily after the morning meeting. If an employee has concerns or questions about the status of COVID-19, they are encouraged to reach out to their supervisor. Leadership will make changes to policies and procedures as necessary with new information. 


  • Direct Contact
  • Isolation
  • Quarantine
  • Active Case
  • Contact Tracing
  • Shelter-in-Place

Contact Information

Health Services & Wellness

Email | 712.749.1238

Campus Security


Office of Admissions

Email | 800.383.9600

Center for Academic Excellence

Email | 712.749.1237

Submit a Question

Do you have a question about BVU's COVID-19 safety procedures? Submit it here!