Article IV – Scope

  1. The Student Code of Conduct and the discipline process covers all persons taking courses through the University, both full and part-time, pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies, and any person residing in University housing. The University may take jurisdiction over any violation of the Student Code of Conduct committed during the time in which the student is enrolled, including incidents off campus, time between semesters, during breaks, semesters abroad, and during leaves of absences.  If a student, allegedly involved in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, separates or graduates from the University prior to resolution, the student conduct process can continue at the discretion of the University.  If a conference or hearing is not pursued upon separation of the student, the pending charges will be resolved, at the discretion of the University, prior to any future readmission. The University reserves the right to take the appropriate action when behavior of an individual or individuals presents a danger to the health, safety, and well-being of themselves and/or others in the community. It is expected that students will conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates their respect for the rights of others. Also, individuals engaging in activities off campus have responsibility to conduct such activities within the laws and ordinances of the community.
  2. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects favorably for them and the University. Students shall be held accountable for unfavorable conduct through this Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Should a conflicting rule exist at one or more BVU locations, the more stringent rule shall apply.