Dr. Nathan Backman

  • Professor of Computer Science

B.S. & B.A. in Computer Science and in Mathematics, Whitworth University
Sc.M.& Ph.D. in Computer Science, Brown University

Dr. Backman’s research interests include resource scheduling for parallel processing models that perform batch and stream processing using heterogeneous and non-dedicated computing nodes.   This research produced the Continuous-MapReduce (C-MR) framework which continuously executes complex workflows of MapReduce jobs to enable stream processing.

 An advocate of extracurricular activities, Dr. Backman organizes and hosts algorithmic programming contests and computer security contests which follow a Capture-the-Flag (attack/defense) format.  He has served as a judge for the North Central North American region of the ACM’s International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and has served as a problem writer for the ACM ICPC North American Qualifier.


Introduction to Computer Programming, Computer Science II, Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Web & Network Programming, Computer Security, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Competitive Programming, Networks & Distributed Systems, and Computer Science Capstone
