
Anyone seeking supplies should contact the Business Office to place an order.


Inventory control
Obtain bids from vendors for requested products and services
Order and distribute office supplies
Process requisitions and purchase orders from staff/faculty/students
Provide credit cards for staff and faculty
Work with staff and faculty on special projects to purchase items needed


Credit Cards

The University issues MasterCard credit cards to individuals to be used for travel expenses and general purchases. The business office also has gas credit cards for use when traveling.

Credit cards used to purchase equipment over $250.00 must have a requisition with the vendor as MasterCard.

Damaged Goods

When your order is received, compare the invoice or packing slip to the purchase order. Open cartons immediately to check for damage. The truck driver can wait until you do this. If you see obvious damage to the carton or goods upon delivery, either refuse the delivery or make note on the bill of lading that goods were damaged. If you accept the shipment and find hidden damage, save the carton that the product came in and report the damage to the purchasing department. Forward all packing slips/bill of lading to the purchasing department with instructions about what you want done with the damaged items (replacement or discount).

If items are okay, wait for the invoice then initial and code with the account number to be charged.  Forward the invoice to the Business Office, Accounts Payable, for payment.

When the invoice is paid by accounts payable, the encumbrance will be removed from your account and the actual expenditure, plus shipping, will be charged to the account.

General Policies 

  1. All purchases of $250 or more must go through the purchasing department.
  2. The purchasing department is the normal channel of communication between the University and our suppliers. As such, it is expected that suppliers will contact the purchasing department and that representatives of other offices/centers in the University will keep the director of purchasing fully informed of programs that may eventually result in purchases of $250.
  3. The purchasing department has the responsibility for buying the goods, materials, and services required by the University. In order to provide economical materials management, certain items require the expertise of other offices/sites. Items such as computers, copiers and certain maintenance items require the review of the Chief Information Officer, the Operations Manager and the Director of Facilities Management.
  4. In the case of all major computer hardware and software purchases, the Operations Manager, the appropriate vice president, and the Chief Information Officer should be involved in order to ensure consistency and standardization of the equipment purchases.
  5. In order to ensure buildings across campus are consistent in quality and the ambiance of the buildings is maintained, carpeting, furniture, and wall covering should be selected through the Operations Manager, the Facilities Management Director, and the appropriate vice president. In every case, these people should be involved in the process.
  6. All purchases of $1500 or more require the signature of the appropriate Vice President.
  7. The purchasing department will arrange interviews between suppliers, representatives and other department heads/site directors when requested to do so.
  8. Members of the purchasing department and other agents of the University are not permitted to make personal purchases for employees.
  9. Local, area, and state vendors should be used where possible. Remember that postage, handling, and freight charges add to the expense of the items you purchase.

Inventory Control

The purchasing department is responsible for tracking campus inventory. If your department has excess inventory and needs to dispose of it, please let the purchasing department know. Other departments may be able to use it or it may be sold if it is in reasonable condition.

Purchase Orders

The purchase order is a contract that legally obligates the University when accepted by the vendor.

The purchase order will be placed with the suggested vendor unless a substantial cost savings can occur through utilizing another vendor. A copy of the completed purchase order, will be emailed to the department supervisor or the originator of the purchase requisition for their records. Send the invoice to Accounts Payable to pay when goods arrive.

An encumbrance is placed on the account when the purchase order is prepared. This sets aside, or reduces, your budget for that account until the actual invoice arrives. If you wish to cancel a purchase order, please notify the Operations Manager.


A purchase requisition is the basic document used for initiating the procurement of supplies, services, or equipment and may be requested through BeaverNet. Office heads or authorized employees must prepare the requisition when initiating the procurement of supplies, services or equipment for amounts greater than $250.00.

The following items are excluded from this requirement:

Advertising, Independent contractor, Registration fees, Airline tickets, One time payments, Rent, Auto repair, Insurance, Talent fees, Consultants, Lodging, Telephone, Gas, Membership dues, Utilities, Food, Public relations (not advertising), Vending

Please make sure all information is accurate. Use the account code which best describes the type of expenditure. If you are not sure which account to use, call the Operations Manager or the business office.

Also, check your budget to see if you have sufficient funds to cover the expenditure.

Purchases of $1500.00 or more require vice president approval. Equipment purchases must come from your 7052 (equipment purchases under $1500.00) or your 7053 account (purchases over $1500.00). Repair parts are not considered equipment even though they may cost $500.00 or more. These expenses should come out of your 6700 account.

Tax Exempt Status

Purchases made by the University are tax exempt. Please inform vendors when making credit card purchases. The University's tax exempt number may be obtained from the purchasing department.

Buena Vista University
Dixon-Eilers 103
Campus Box 2008
610 W. Fourth Street
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Phone: 712.749.2216
Fax: 712.749.1455